Higher Power of My Own Understanding - Final Word
By Robert Burney
In this series of articles that I started in January of this year, I have been focusing upon the concept of a "Higher Power of my own understanding" as I learned it in Alcoholics Anonymous. I shared some of the influences that have helped me in the evolution of my Spiritual Belief system, from Richard Bach and the Big Book of AA, to quantum physics and metaphysics. I stated that I believed that the twelve step recovery program is a program of empowerment and spirituality that saved my life - and helped me learn to find some Joy, Love, and peace in my life journey.
I had expected to continue to explore this subject for at least the rest of this year, but circumstances now dictate that I end this series of articles today. Suite 101 is going through some changes that dictate that it will no longer be practical for me to continue to write here, because the new requirements for writers will involve an investment of time that is - to me - nowhere near worth what they are willing to pay for that time.
Due to this development, I am going to summarize my Spiritual beliefs in this column.
I believe we are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. I believe that there is a Loving Higher Power which is so powerful that everything happens for a reason in alignment with Divine Plan. That there are no accidents, coincidences, or mistakes - that everything is unfolding perfectly from a Cosmic Perspective.
I believe that the Spiritual evolutionary process for souls involves multiple lifetimes of experiencing being human - and that evolutionary process is governed by the Law of Karma.
"We have all lived multiple lifetimes. We have all experienced every facet of being human.
We are now not just healing our wounds from this lifetime, we are doing Karmic settlement on a massive scale, at a very accelerated rate.
Karma is the Loving, wonderful law of energy interaction which governs human interaction. Like the other levels of Universal Law, it is about cause and effect. In this case, "what you sow, you reap."
Karmic Law dictates that every action of cause on the Physical Plane is paid for with a consequence of effect on the Physical Plane. In other words, no one can end up in the hole, or in some hell in an afterlife. (Hell is here on earth, and we have all experienced it already.)"
Quote from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
I believe that planetary conditions of polarization (of the Energy Field of Collective Human Intellectual Consciousness / Lower Mind) and reversity (of the Energy Field of Collective Human Emotional Consciousness) are what created the Human Condition as we inherited it.
"The human condition is a symptom! Human nature as we understand it is a symptom! The human condition is not a result of flaws in human nature. Both are effects.
The condition of Codependence - which, as I said could more accurately be described as outer or external dependence - is the human condition as we have inherited it!"
Quote from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
I believe that all human beings have inherent - and equal - worth in their Spiritual Essence. And that all human beings have dysfunctional behavior patterns due to the ways they were wounded by the human condition of codependency which was caused by those planetary conditions.
I also believe that due to a change in those planetary conditions, we have now entered a new Age of Healing & Joy (the Age of Aquarius - as I mentioned in the first column of this series A Higher Power of my own understanding) - and that we are now healing lifetimes of Karma and have begun a Transformational Healing process on the Planet Earth that is going to change the Human Condition.
"The planetary conditions that blocked humans from accessing Christ Consciousness - the vibrational Knowing of the Truth of ONENESS - were in place for tens of thousands of years. Conditions have now changed! We have entered a new time, an Age of Healing & Joy has dawned in Human Consciousness on the planet. All of the "old-souls" involved in healing in this time have the capacity to access the Truth of ONENESS and Love through their inner channel.
(The term "old-soul" refers to the stage of consciousness evolution an individual has attained by this lifetime - it does not mean better than, or farther along than, those who do not have to do the healing. There is no hierarchy in the Truth of a Loving Great Spirit - those who appear to have low, or no, consciousness in this lifetime are simply doing their healing in another space-time illusion parallel to this one. All old-souls are born at a heart-chakra level of consciousness and therefore have more sensitivity, and less capacity for denial, than other people. In other words, the gift of having access to Truth and Love carries with it the price of greatly increased emotional sensitivity.)
Due to the planetary conditions, the human ego developed a belief in separation - which is what made violence possible and caused the human condition as we inherited it. The reflection of that human condition on the individual level is the disease of Codependence. Codependence is caused by the ego being traumatized and programed in early childhood so that our relationship with ourselves and the God-Force is dysfunctional - that is, it does not work to help us access the Truth of ONENESS and Love. It is through healing our relationship with ourselves that we open our inner channel and start tuning into the Truth."
As I say in my book, and shared about in an earlier article in this series about quantum physics, everybody and everything we experience is the result of energy interactions within the ONE energy of ALL THAT IS. I believe that this human experience we are having is an illusion that only exists on the lower vibrational frequencies of the Illusion created in the imagination of the God Force / Goddess Energy / Great Spirit, that it is possible to be separate from the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS. It is that illusion of separation that has caused the pain in the human experience - and led to the development of the condition of codependency.
I am going to end this article - my last here on Suite101 after close to 6 years writing here - with a quote from the very end of my book. I invite you all to visit my web site Abundant Spirituality + codependency recovery + inner child healing + Love = Joy2MeU where I freely share over 250 pages of content relating to the topics I have been writing about here in the years since my first Suite 101 column in March 1999. I have enjoyed my association with Suite 101 and am sad to see it end - but as I stated, I believe that everything is unfolding perfectly.
"The Universal Creative Force, as I understand it, is the energy field of ALL THAT IS vibrating at the frequency of Absolute Harmony. That vibrational frequency I call LOVE. (LOVE is the vibrational frequency of God; Love is an energy vibration within The Illusion which we can access; love is, in our Codependent culture, most often an addiction or an excuse for dysfunctional behavior.)
LOVE is the energy frequency of Absolute Harmony because it is the vibrational frequency where there is no separation.
Energy moves in wave-like patterns; what enables movement is the separation between the valley of the wave and its peak. The distance from peak to peak is called it's wavelength. It is a law of physics that as vibrational frequency rises, as it gets higher, the wavelength gets shorter.
The frequency of LOVE is the vibrational frequency where wavelength disappears, where separation disappears.
It is a place of absolute Peace, motionless, timeless, completely at rest: The Eternal Now.
The Peace and Bliss of The Eternal Now is the True Absolute Reality of the God-Force.
The illusion of separation - the distance, the separation, between the peak and the valley - is what makes motion possible. Separation is necessary for energy to be in motion. The illusion of separation was necessary to create The Illusion.
As part of the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS, we are God and God is LOVE. We are part of the Truth of ONENESS vibrating at LOVE. As part of the ONENESS of LOVE we would never have been able to experience Love. It is kind of like, "If you are sugar then you never get to taste sugar."
In God we are LOVE. Without the illusion of separation we would never have had the opportunity to experience Love. Would never have been able to Love and be Loved.
Separation was necessary to allow us the incredible gift of experiencing Love, of Loving and being Loved.
The Illusion that caused all of the pain is also the vehicle for allowing us to feel and be Loved.
If you pursue your path of healing, I think that you will find as I have that it is very much worth it. It is worth it to be able to experience Love.
This is the Age of Healing and Joy. It is time to start remembering who you Truly are, to start feeling and tuning into the Truth which exists within you.
We are all butterflies. We are all swans. We are Spiritual Beings.
The Springtime of the Spirit has arrived: It is possible to learn to Love yourself.
It is possible to be happy, Joyous, and free - if you are willing to be scared and hurt, angry and sad.
You are Lovable. You are Loved. You are LOVE."
Quote from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
Balance on the Horizontal, Integration of the Vertical
By Robert Burney
I mentioned in the second column in this series (A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment) that the twelve step recovery concept of powerlessness was actually a step towards empowerment. Codependency and recovery are both multi-leveled, multi-dimensional phenomena. What we are trying to achieve is integration and balance on, and between, different levels. One of the ways it is helpful to me to think of this is in terms of the horizontal and vertical. The horizontal is about being human and relating to other humans and our environment. The vertical is Spiritual, about our relationship to a Higher Power, to the Universal Source.
In this context, what we are trying to achieve in recovery is to integrate the Truth of a Loving God-Force / Goddess Energy / Great Spirit into our relationship with the horizontal, That is what helps us to achieve some balance in our emotional, physical, and mental relationship with being human and in how we relate to other humans and our environment.
Living life on life's terms according to the definitions, beliefs and attitudes we learned in early childhood does not work. As I say in my book:
"Learning discernment is vital - not just in terms of the choices we make about who to trust, but also in terms of our perspective, our attitudes.
We learned about life as children and it is necessary to change the way we intellectually view life in order to stop being the victim of the old tapes. By looking at, becoming conscious of, our attitudes, definitions, and perspectives, we can start discerning what works for us and what does not work. We can then start making choices about whether our intellectual view of life is serving us - or if it is setting us up to be victims because we are expecting life to be something which it is not."
Quote from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
As I point out often in my writing, the intellectual paradigm that we are allowing to dictate our relationship with life - the attitudes, beliefs, and definitions both conscious and subconscious - are what determine our expectations and perspectives and those in turn dictate our emotional reactions and relationships. In order to change how we are relating to, and reacting to, being human we need to change the intellectual beliefs that are dictating our relationship with being human.
It is vital to start realizing that we have the power to make choices about what attitudes, beliefs and definitions we are allowing to dictate our relationship with life. We do not have to keep being the victim of the beliefs that were imposed upon us in childhood. We do not have to keep living life based upon shame, fear, and scarcity just because that is what was role modeled for us by the adults who were our higher powers in childhood. Once we recognize that we are powerless to make life be what we want it to be out of our ego programming, then we become empowered to change the quality of our relationship with life.
By owning that we have the power to make choices about our perspective of life - and to choose a spiritual perspective - we can vastly improve the quality of our human experience. This is what I am trying to communicate in this series of articles on a Higher Power of my own understanding. It is specifically what I talked about in the third column here in this series: Spirituality - a broader perspective.
Looking at the horizontal and vertical dimensions of life helped me to start being and to start doing in a more balanced way. It helped me to stop being a human doing - thinking that what I accomplished, or how I looked, on the outside is what gives me worth.
I talked in last months column about the transcendent emotions of Joy and Love and how we can access these emotions by being in the moment when relating to nature for instance. I am going to close out this months column with a quote from one of my Update Newsletters where I talk about transcendent vertical emotions and horizontal human emotions.
"I capitalize words such as Truth, Joy, and Love in my writing because that capitalization indicates that I am referring to the Transcendent vibrational energy that flows through the Illusion on the vertical plane. When I do not capitalize joy and love, I am referring to emotions of the horizontal plane. . . . .
. . . . . Happiness is a term I use in relationship to external circumstances. It (happiness) comes from doing, experiencing, interacting, etc. Joy - with the capital J - is about being, not doing. This has to do with the different dimensions - horizontal and vertical - of this human experience that I talk about in the Trilogy, and mention in various articles including the online book I am now writing.
"The horizontal emotion of joy can feel very much the same as Joy - and can in fact help us to access the Transcendent emotional energy of Joy. But the horizontal emotion that is joy is a relative reaction to external stimuli. That is, joy is felt because of some outside or external condition that raises our vibrational frequency within the vertical component of the horizontal emotional spectrum. This can be: an accomplishment such as achieving a goal or winning a contest; the feeling we get from experiencing the Love of another being - or an animal; a sensual experience such as the taste of food, or the feel of silk, or the touch of another being; or any of a number of other types of stimuli that are dependent upon outside circumstances or agencies. There is nothing wrong with feeling joy in reaction to these outer or external stimuli - what is dysfunctional is believing that they are the only source of joy. When we buy into the belief that the only joy or happiness we can experience is dependent upon external circumstances or outside agencies then we are giving power over our relationship with self to the illusions - we are worshiping false gods.
The Transcendent emotional energy of Joy on the other hand has nothing to do with winning or accomplishing - it is about being. About tuning into the Joy that is the Truth of who we really are - Spiritual beings who are part of the Holy Mother Source Energy. It is about the Love that is our True essence. Outside influences can help to remind us of this connection - a sunset, a baby, the Love we see reflected in another's eyes - but the connection is made in the quality of our interaction with that outside influence. It is in being in the moment that we can tune into the Love, Light, and Joy of our connection with everyone and everything.
There is nothing wrong with feeling joy at doing, or receiving, or experiencing, on the human level - but the more that we are aligned with Truth, the more we can magnify those moments of joy to include the Joy of being Unconditionally Loved and Lovable. This also helps us stop giving power to the illusion by believing that something or someone outside of us is the source of Joy - the Source is within."
In recovery, we start learning how to change our relationship with life so that we can be present in the moment, so that we can own our True Self and our connection to the Source. . . . . " - March 2004 Update Metaphysical Addendum page
In adding this article as a page on my Joy2MeU.com in September 2006, I decided to add a quote from my book about "the quality of our interaction" dynamic that I mention above.
"The first time a messenger came to me carrying the message, the reminder, that I was a Spiritual Being having a human experience, I got really angry. My first reaction was anger. My first thought was, "That means that I've got to be out among them."
I never wanted to be out among you-all. I always wanted to go up on a mountain and meditate my way to God. What I have learned in this healing process is that I find God through "being out among them," through my human relationships. We are here to learn to relate to each other. We are here to learn to Love ourselves and each other.
One of the ironies of this whole business is something that physicists have learned from quantum physics. They have learned that the physical world is made up of energy fields that are temporary manifestations of energy interactions. All of the energy fields of the physical world are temporary. Some last for fractions of a second, some last for billions of years - but they are all temporary illusions. This means that the Truest reality in the physical world is in the interaction. It is in our interactions that we can access Truth and Joy and Love. In other words it is in our relationships.
The most real thing here, the place where the highest Truth exists, is in the interactions: in our relationships. Our relationship with ourselves is a reflection of our relationship with our Creator, with the Great Spirit. And our relationship with ourselves is reflected out into our relationship with everyone and everything in our environment.
Spirituality is about relationships. God exists in the quality of our relationships.
When I look at a beautiful sunset - I am a temporary illusion and the sunset is also a temporary illusion - the most real, God-like quality is the energy of Beauty and Joy that I allow myself to access by being open and willing to experience the sunset. If I am caught up in one of my ego's "trauma dramas," then I will not be conscious of the sunset or open to experiencing the Joy and Beauty of the moment."
Quote from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
Next in series: Higher Power of my own understanding - final word
This is the polar opposite of the beliefs which
Codependence causes us to have a distorted
Truth, in my understanding, is not an intellectual
When we were 3 or 4 we couldn't look around us
One of the many things which confused me in
The first step is about recognizing that I am
The path to empowerment and freedom from the
I write a great deal about the importance of being
I learned that being willing to ask for help
We learned about life as children and it is
I had stated in my last article that I would devote
One of the gifts of the twelve step recovery
We are all carrying around repressed pain, terror,
One of the difficulties in this healing process is
Codependency involves living life unconsciously
In my October article I talked about shutting up
In my September article here, Emotional
"I have had many people ask me what I mean
In March of 2003 I began a series of articles on
Twelve step recovery is a program of
In this series of articles, I am sharing my beliefs.
In the quote from my book just above, I mention
We buried my father this last weekend. He had
I mentioned in second column of this series that
In last months column (Quantum Physics -
Love is a vibrational frequency. It is our direct
I mentioned in the second column in this series
In this series of articles that I started in January